emergenCITY is growing! Three new professors were recruited for emergenCITY this fall: Prof. Rolf Findeisen, Prof. Björn Scheuermann and Prof. Zsolt István (from left to right).
Professor Findeisen has been at TU Darmstadt since August and heads the Institute of Automatic Control and Mechatronics (IAT) at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. His research focuses on mechatronics, Cyber-Physical Systems, robotics and medical technology. At emergenCITY, Professor Findeisen brings expertise to the emergenCITY program area Cyber-Physical Systems. In his work, there are also close cross-connections with the two other program areas Communication and Information. His research is concerned with the development of analysis and control methods for large hierarchically networked systems, for which the greatest possible resilience in the face of devastating events is to be ensured. Special attention is given to utility (electricity, water), communication and transportation networks.
Professor Scheuermann took over the chair for communication networks in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the TU Darmstadt in October. His research focuses on the design of secure, efficient and reliable computer and network systems. At emergenCITY, Professor Schermann supports the Communications program area, with cross-connections to the Information and Cyber-Physical Systems areas. The focus of his work here is to investigate and predict the performance of networked communication systems in extreme situations such as partial outages, exceptionally high traffic volumes, or unusual traffic patterns. At the same time, Professor Scheuermann is researching the use of redundant or even delay-tolerant communication paths in Cyber-Physical Systems, with the goal of increasing the resilience of critical infrastructures.
Professor István has been head of the Distributed and Networked Systems Lab (DSLab) in the Department of Computer Science at TU Darmstadt since October. His research focuses on improving efficiency and resilience in managing and processing data in data-intensive systems. Within emergenCITY, Professor István brings his expertise to the Information program area, where there are also close cross-connections with the Communication and Cyber- physical Systems program areas. Professor Istvan works at emergenCITY on increasing resilience on edge devices. The goal of his work is to ensure the reliable functioning of networks even in the presence of failures or even malicious interference. To achieve this, he is researching, for example, ways to improve the chances of recovering data structures to a correct state or to quickly reconfigure hardware between different modes of operation.
We warmly welcome all new members and look forward to working together at emergenCITY.