Three times a year, the ProLOEWE-NEWS summarises news from the federal state of Hesse’s cutting-edge research. The cover story of the current summer issue no 02/2024 is about our Open eHUB Day on campus Lichtwiese of TU Darmstadt on 13 June, which showed pioneering projects relating to the energy self-sufficient smart home. The article explains why Hesse’s Minister of Science Timon Gremmels is proud of the LOEWE center, which game he tried out and which solutions for different crisis situations we are currently researching at emergenCITY.

The issue also takes a look at the final symposium of the LOEWE Center DRUID on poverty-related and neglected infectious diseases and a study on soil invertebrates by the LOEWE center for Translational Biodiversity Genomics.

The issue is available for download on the website of the ProLOEWE network.