How can the population be better sensitized to the topic of crisis prevention? Scientists from emergenCITY asked themselves this question and have since been developing the serious game “Krisopolis” together with students from the TU Darmstadt. Serious games are games that are primarily developed for information, training or educational purposes.

Krisopolis” also caught the attention of Behörden Spiegel, which reported about the game in its newsletter “Rettung, Feuer, Katastrophe”.

Krisopolis is designed to provide information about crisis prevention measures in a playful way by creating various fictitious crisis scenarios that players must overcome with their avatars. Before starting the game, players can prepare for crises by buying food and other supplies. The development team relies on advice from the Bundesamtes für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe (BBK). Despite its educational mission, “Krisopolis” is also meant to be entertaining. It offers an easy access to the topic.

The game is primarily designed for smartphone users and can be played on Android devices and Windows PCs. An iOS version is under development.