Lively Internal Exchange on emergenCITY Demonstrators
At the second emergenCITY Demo Fair in March, scientists had the opportunity to exchange information on the progress of the emergenCITY projects.
At the second emergenCITY Demo Fair in March, scientists had the opportunity to exchange information on the progress of the emergenCITY projects.
The collaboration of diverse disciplines and the approach to crisis and disaster scenarios from different perspectives is one of the trademarks of emergenCITY – so this Demo Fair was characterized by interdisciplinarity. Old acquaintances from the first Demo Fair were presented with new development status, such as the rescue robot Scout, the neighborhood app ReSON, the ACN research on drone networks for crises or the NEXUS demonstrator for monitoring critical infrastructure.
But also some new projects were shown, for example the in-situ visualization with virtual reality technology to simulate walking routes in crises or the serious game eHUBgaming, where in the future a blackout scenario can be played in the energy self-sufficient eHUB.
The Demo Fair took place in parallel in the eHUB on the campus Lichtwiese of the TU Darmstadt, which has meanwhile been upgraded to a resilient “Smart Home”, and in the emergenCITY Lab in Mornewegstraße. Thus, the large number of demonstrators could be well distributed between the two locations. The great opportunity for internal networking was used by the scientists in large numbers, so that we are already excited about the further development of the research projects that are intended to make cities and critical infrastructures more resilient to crises.