The emergenCITY Keynote by Prof. Tsakiris was highly appreciated by the workshop participants. The talk was entitled “Algebraic Geometry and Matrix Completion”. The research by Prof. Tsakiris enables discovering patterns from high-dimensional data, which manifest in low intrinsic dimension with respect to some geometric model. Such techniques are highly relevant to reliably recover missing information from few data points, which is an important task in emergency response.

The workshop was co-organized by the emergenCITY PI Michael Muma. Around 50 participants were welcomed, including Prof. Muma’s Robust Data Science Group. The workshop is open to PhD students, Post-Docs and other early career researchers and provides unique opportunities for research collaboration, networking and exchange with leading scientists. The main topics of the SLSIP Workshop concern statistical learning for robust signal processing and control, biomedical signal and image processing, statistical modelling of sparse, complex, and multi-sensor data, graph theory for signal processing in dynamic and large-scale networks, and distributed optimization for smart systems with applications, such as, neuroscience, electric systems, array signal processing.