Frank Hessel works as a research assistant at the Secure Mobile Networking Lab at TU Darmstadt and joined emergenCITY in April 2020. He holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science as well as Internet- and Web-Based Systems from TU Darmstadt.
Frank Hessel, M.Sc.
Mission Lead / Scientist
Secure Mobile Networking Lab (SEEMOO)
Research Interests
Within emergenCITY, Frank is part of the mission lead for our mission Digital Heinerblock, which aims at showcasing our research results on district scale in a living lab in Darmstadt’s Martinsviertel. With his focus on resilient urban data networks and IoT, he is working on bringing a sensor network and wireless testbed into the district. This allows monitoring processes of urban transition in the quarter and to empirically evaluate new communication protocols for crises.
Contact Information
Pankratiusstr. 2
64289 Darmstadt - Room S2|20, 202
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